Moana Little Golden Book
Walt Disney Animation Studios' Moana is a sweeping, CG-animated comedy-adventure about a spirited teenager on an impossible mission to fulfill her ancestors' quest. In the ancient South Pacific world of Oceania, Moana, a born navigator, sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her incredible journey, she teams up with her hero, the legendary demi-god Maui, to traverse the open ocean on an action-packed voyage. They encounter enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds, and ancient folklore. This Little Golden Book retelling of the movie is perfect for children ages 2 to 5.
Author: Laura Hitchcock
Publisher: Random House Disney
Published: 10/04/2016
Pages: 24
Binding Type: Hardcover
Weight: 0.25lbs
Size: 8.00h x 6.40w x 0.20d
ISBN: 9780736436038
Audience: Baby-Preschool
Author: Laura Hitchcock
Publisher: Random House Disney
Published: 10/04/2016
Pages: 24
Binding Type: Hardcover
Weight: 0.25lbs
Size: 8.00h x 6.40w x 0.20d
ISBN: 9780736436038
Audience: Baby-Preschool
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